Angry Pear

comics about pears – updated twice a week

Februpeary Sale!


Thank you all for reading Angry Pear. In appreciation, I am offering FREE SHIPPING for everything in the Angry Pear Etsy shop! This offer only lasts through February and is only redeemable by using this coupon code at checkout.

Coupon: FEBRUPEARY2012

(Easy to remember).

Shop for all things pearish, including Stationpeary, pins, miniature pears, and comics!

Below is a sample of some of the items available. You can see more in the Stationpeary section of the top menu bar or at the Etsy shop!

Author: angriestpear

Poet, Knitter, Illustrator of Pears

6 thoughts on “Februpeary Sale!

  1. When you say free shipping, do you mean everywhere in the world? d=

  2. HOORAY!!! Pears are taking over the world!! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Pears like Gettng Cards | Angry Pear

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