Angry Pear

comics about pears – updated twice a week

Pears like Grilled Cheese


pears like grilled cheese color


Pears also go pretty well in grilled cheese. This one with Whiskey Cheddar sounds quite good!

Author: angriestpear

Poet, Knitter, Illustrator of Pears

5 thoughts on “Pears like Grilled Cheese

  1. I like grilled cheese too. Pears IN grilled cheese sounds like cannibalism to me!

  2. Oh poo. I had just taken the last mouthful of a grilled cheese sandwich when I scrolled to this on my Reader….if only I could turn back those last few seconds, I could have experienced pear-y cheese toast.

  3. Would like to feature several of your drawings on a Wednesday guest post. Let me know if interested.

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