Angry Pear

comics about pears – updated twice a week

Freshly Baked Muffins


“Gimme those!”

“These muffins are terrible!”

Author: angriestpear

Poet, Knitter, Illustrator of Pears

9 thoughts on “Freshly Baked Muffins

  1. Well hellooooo, Monday! Hahaha!

  2. Hahahaha. This is so chris!

  3. We have two daughters who always compete regarding who’s baking is better… love it!

  4. This is my favorite one. Irrational anger is always fun in cartoon format. 🙂

  5. Pingback: Pear of the Month – October | Angry Pear

  6. HAHAHAHAHAA omg this is the cutest blog post I’ve ever seen. #loveatfirstsight

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